Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Kursus Pemantapan Solat

Salam Ukhuwah Warga Lancaster!

Berita baik untuk penganut beragama Islam. Persatuan Masyarakat Pelajar Melayu Sheffield (PMPMS) akan menganjurkan kursus pemantapan solat dan butir2 seperti tertera dibawah:

Penceramah :

Ustaz Hj. Zaharuddin bin Hj. Abd Rahman (UZAR)


Tarikh :

8 Ogos 2009 (Sabtu)

Masa :

9.00 pagi hingga 6.00 petang


Terbuka kepada muslimin dan muslimat dewasa dan remaja 15 tahun ke atas.


GBP 10.00 (Makanan + alat tulis disediakan)*

*Tidak termasuk buku ‘Formula Solat Sempurna’. Buku dijual dengan harga GBP 10.00


Spectrum Centre, 183 Brunswick Road, S3 9LQ, Burngreave, Sheffield

Tentatif Program

9 - 10.45 pagi : Solat Sempurna 1 (bermula pendahuluan, wudu)

10.45 - 11.15 : rehat dan makan pagi

11.15 - 12.45 : Solat Sempurna 2 (sambungan)

12.45 - 2. ptg : rehat, solat dan makan

2 - 3.45 ptg : Solat sempurna 3 (sambungan hingga salam)

3.45-4. ptg : rehat dan jamuan ringan

4- 6 ptg : Khusyu', Hakikat dan Usaha

Hubungi :

En. Bukhari : 07818828902 / bukhari_ruh@yahoo.com

Puan Siti Rahayu : 07826753344 / ayuazwal@yahoo.com

Pendaftaran tutup sebelum 5 Ogos 2009


Monday, 6 July 2009

Perjumpaan Bersama DS Khaled Nordin

Salam Ukhuwah Warga Lancaster

DS Khaled Nordin akan mengadakan perjumpaan dengan pelajar2 Malaysia di UK. Berikut adalah butir2 perjumpaan.

Tarikh : 8hb Julai 2009
Masa : 530 pm
Tempat: Malaysian Hall, London

Kepada sesiapa yang berminat, sila menhgadirkan diri dan meramaikan majlis.


Saturday, 4 July 2009

Merdeka Carnival 2009

(Klik untuk besarkan imej)

Salam Ukhuwah Warga Lancaster! Ada sedikit info untuk acara diatas.

I-Merdeka Carnival 2009- 15 August 2009

Date: August 15, 2009
Venue: Tun Abdul Razak Research Centre, Brickendonbury, Hertford SG13 8NL
Main Organisers: the Malaysian Hi-commission, (refer to attached brochure for more information)

II-Volunteers Needed

Co-ordinated by Badan Perhubungan Negara United Kingdom, the overseeing body of Kelab UMNO United Kingdom, 10 volunteers are needed to attend and help during the event. (Just be there on August 15 2009 from morning around 8 am to the end of the programme at 8pm)

The celebration of National Day is an annual tradition of the Tun Abdul Razak Hertfordshire Research Centre. Where about last year, it was attended by the Lord Mayor of London, activities relating to Malaysian culture and tradition, food stalls and other promotional activities were run to celebrate and to exemplify the diversity, progress and achievement of the country.

Apart from having the opportunity to be a representative of Malaysia to the Visitors of the event, and meeting new acquaintances, this is a chance for volunteers to develop interpersonal skills as programme co-ordinators, public relations and as well as to observe, work and be part of the team of community-service related works.

Details of works that might be available are such as Master of Ceremony, Programme Co-ordinators (telematch, kids programme), kompang players (pemain kompang!) , Usherers, Booth attendant, etc, it will largely depend on the final list of programmes vetted by the Organising Committee.

III-How to apply

Applicants may reply to their responding/ nearest UMNO Club Chapters and their application will be added to the list of volunteers. As there are only limited places available, we would keep your name on standby if you wish to still help and we will update applicants of the latest updates.

Kepada sesiapa yang berminat, sila hubungi:-

