Thursday, 25 February 2010

Konsert In-Team: Kembara Cinta Manchester 2010

Salam Ukhuwah Warga Lancaster!

Bg yang merindui belaian nasyid tempatan, MCOT Manchester menganjurkan konsert In-Team seperti dibawah:

Tarikh:1 Mac 2010
Masa: 7:30 pm
Tempat: Main Hall, Student Union, University of Manchester


Friday, 19 February 2010

Promotion of Balai Malaysia Newcastle Programme - Approaching The Quran

Salam Ukhuwah Warga Lancaster!

Balai Malaysia Newcastle and IMAM (Islamic Medical Association of Malaysia) will be holding Approaching the Quran, an intensive course on how to approach the Quran this 6th of March. The programme will be held in Newcastle University Medical School.

Presented by our own speaker, Ahmad Safwan Ahmad Kamal Hayati, this course promises a new look on how to grasp the wisdom of the Quran.

Details are as follow:

Date : Saturday, 6th of March 2010
Venue: Lecture Theatre D.
Newcastle University Medical School,
Newcastle Upon Tyne NE2 4HH

Refreshment and lunch will be provided. All are welcomed.

Register here:


Friday, 12 February 2010

LUISOC - Islamic Awareness Week (Fri 12/2 - Day 5)

Salam Ukhuwah! Bahang soalan2 power dari student2 non-muslim kepada penulis dan Imternatiomal speaker, Hamza Tzorstis masih terasa. Kepada yg ketinggalam saksikan ringkasan dari website Majlis Ilmu Lancaster Jangan terlepas peluang untuk menyaksikan seorang lagi aktivis dan international speaker, Adam Deen .Kepada yang berkelapangan bolehlah menghadirkan diri di Cavendish LT, Lancaster University, Faraday Building pada petang ini bermula jam 630 ptg. Makanan disediakan.. JoMmm beramai2 kesana..kesana...kesanaa...
Serba Sedikit Tentang Acara Petang Ini
(Lihat Banner Yang Disertakan)

Adam Deen is an international public speaker on Muslim Apologetics. A former Islam channel presenter and intellectual activist who has been working in the field of Muslim apologetics for almost a decade. He has contributed to debates on issues ranging from ethics, to religious philosophy and theology. Adam Deen is part of a movement that draws on contemporary western philosophy to defend Islam in public debates. He also debated USA's leading atheist Dan Barker author of 'Godless'.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

LUISOC - Islamic Awareness Week (Thu - Day 4)

Salam Ukhuwah! Kepada yang berkelapangan bolehlah menghadirkan diri di Cavendish LT, Lancaster University Faraday Building pada petang ini bermula jam 630 ptg. Makanan disediakan.. JoMmm beramai2 kesana..kesana...kesanaa...

Serba Sedikit Tentang Acara Petang Ini
(Lihat Banner Yang Disertakan)

Is religion important in peoples lives? Can we live better lives without religion? Can there be ethics without God? Is it possible to be moral without God? Can we have morality without God? In this lecture Brother Hamza will answer all these questions from an Islamic perspective.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

LUISOC - Islamic Awareness Week (Wed - Day 3)

Salam Ukhuwah! Kepada yang berkelapangan bolehlah menghadirkan diri di Cavendish LT, Lancaster University Faraday Building pada petang ini bermula jam 630 ptg. Makanan disediakan.. JoMmm beramai2 kesana..kesana...kesanaa...

Serba Sedikit Tentang Acara Petang Ini
(Lihat Banner Yang Disertakan)

British-born, award-winning journalist Yvonne Ridley is well known in
the Muslim world for her outspoken views and defence of Islam. She
endeared herself to the Muslim community in Britain when she reverted
to Islam 30 months after making international headli...nes when she was
captured by the Taleban on an undercover assignment in Afghanistan. She
was a senior reporter of the Sunday Express at the time, having spent
nearly 10 years in Fleet Street working for several prestige titles
including The Sunday Times, The Observer, Daily Mirror and Independent
on Sunday...

Pelancaran DVD Kem Mithali MCCH 2010

Salam Ukhuwah Warga Lancaster!

Baru-baru ini Malaysian Community of Cheetham Hill (MCCH) telah menganjurkan program Kem Keluarga Mithali 2010 pada 22-24 Januari di Langdale, Cumbria. Antara penceramah jemputan termasuk Ustaz Erfino Johari (Atase Pendidikan MSD), Ustaz Zaharuddin Abd Rahman dan Ustaz Maszlee Malik. Program yang bertujuan untuk membangun jati diri keluarga dengan acuan Islam ini telah disertai seramai 130 orang peserta.

MCCH akan menerbitkan Kompilasi DVD (5 keping) yang mengandungi empat ceramah dan satu forum yang telah berlangsung di program berkenaan.

Pelancaran Kompilasi DVD nanti akan dimaklumkan dalam masa terdekat.


Tuesday, 9 February 2010

LUISOC - Islamic Awareness Week (Tuesday - Day 2)

Salam Ukhuwah! Kepada yang berkelapangan bolehlah menghadirkan diri di Cavandish LT, Lancaster University Faraday Building pada petang ini bermula jam 630 ptg. Makanan disediakan.. JoMmm beramai2 kesana..kesana...kesanaa...

Serba Sedikit Tentang Acara Petang Ini
(Lihat Banner Yang Disertakan)

In this talk we aim to discuss the achievements of Muslim scholars between 700 and 1700 AD, with particular focus on what modern life, and scientific and technological developments, owe to Muslim scientists of the past. The scientific and cultural achievements and contributions of Muslim civilisation started within, and continued throughout, the medieval period for more than a thousand years. However, many people have no knowledge of the scientific and technological contributions of Muslim and non Muslim scholars living in Muslim geography during this period. Even in this modern age of enlightenment, few people, including Muslims, are aware of their significant contributions to the progress of humanity.
In Christian Europe the light of scientific inquiry had largely been extinguished with the collapse of the Roman Empire. But it survived, and indeed blazed brightly, elsewhere.
From Moorish Spain across North Africa to Damascus, Baghdad, Persia and all the way to India, scientists in the Muslim world were at the forefront of developments in medicine, astronomy, engineering, hydraulics, mathematics, chemistry, map-making and exploration.
During the 1000 years between 700 and 1700, Muslims established a great many scientific institutions such as observatories, libraries, madrasas, and hospitals, and contributed with new scientific and technological innovations to the global civilization. In this paper, using a power point presentation, we will expand and explore the topic of Muslim contributions within the history of science and technology.


Salam Ukhuwah Warga Lancaster!

ANDA mengalami tekanan pengajian?? Bosan?? Ingin melepaskan geram? Rasa ingin melontar sesuatu??
Marilah menyertai kami ber'REKREASI' di dalam PERTANDINGAN BOWLING di samping meng'hangat'kan silaturahim bagi yang baru dan lama dalam musim sejuk-beku begini. HADIAH-HADIAH LUMAYAN bagi kategori-kategori menarik untuk diRAMPAS turut menanti ANDA!
Tarikh: 13 Februari 2010 (Sabtu)
Jam: 7 pm - 9 pm
Tempat: Morecambe Super Bowl
Penyertaan: Hanya 6 orang bagi setiap kumpulan (bebas: campuran @ bukan campuran)
Bayaran: GBP10/dewasa & GBP8/kanak-kanak (termasuk bayaran pendaftaran 2 games + kasut)
Pengangkutan: Disediakan dan diberikan keutamaan kepada adik-adik undergrad atau rakan-rakan yang TIDAK mempunyai kenderaan. Konsep 'Carpooling' adalah amat dialu-alukan!

HANYA perlu kemukakan:
2. Nama 6 orang ahli kumpulan
3. Nama ketua kumpulan (email dan nombor telefon)

Oops! Lorong permainan adalah TERHAD! Jadi jangan lepaskan peluang ini. Kemukakan SEGERA Nama Kumpulan anda kepada KAMI sebelum 10 Februari 2010 (Rabu) jam 5 petang kepada NADIA NAWI di email
Rekreasi Untuk Fizikal & Mental Yang Sihat

Monday, 8 February 2010

LUISOC - Islamic Awareness Week (Day 1)

Salam Ukhuwah! Acara telah bermula pada petang ini. Kepada yang berkelapangan bolehlah menghadirkan diri di Cavandish LT, Lancaster University Faraday Building pada petang ini bermula jam 630 ptg. Makanan disediakan.. JoMmm beramai2 kesana..kesana...kesanaa...

Serba Sedikit Tentang Acara Petang Ini
(Lihat Banner Yang Disertakan)

Dr. Sharif Kaf Al-Ghazal was born in Syria
He graduated from Damascus University Medical School in 1983
Obtained his Master Degree of Surgery in 1988
Trained in Ireland & England in Plastic Surgery
Certified by the Royal College of Surgeons in England in 1997
Obtained "Doctor of Medicine"- MD - postgraduate degree in plastic surgery from Nottingham University in 2000
Also obtained "Master of Arts" - MA - in Medical Law & Ethics from Huddersfield University in the UK in 2006
He is still living and working in the UK as a Plastic Surgeon
He is member of Bradford Research Ethics Committee
Also he is Honorary Senior Lecturer in the School of Medicine, University of Leeds (UK).

LUISOC - Islamic Awareness Week

Salam Ukhuwah Warga Lancaster!
Minggu Kesedaran Islam (Islamic Awareness Week) telah bermula dari 8/2/2010 sehingga 12/2/2010. Bersama ini diserta banner promosi dari pihak LUISOC.
Bersama2 kita memeriahkan acara yang bakal dihidangkan!! JOOMM!